What an interesting couple of days I’ve just had working in the Creative Labs at Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (ESW). I’ve been working with artist Eric Schumacher, carrying out a test installation of my exhibition REVEAL, soon to be on show within Collect Open. We will have just one day to install the new architectural mosaics, so the test was essential to double check our plans and iron out any unforeseen glitches – everything is in hand!
Eric has been collaborating with me as exhibition planner for the show – I couldn’t have got to where I am with this project without the support of collaborators like Eric, Christina Finch and also the creative community in Edinburgh.
Many, many thanks goes to Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop for embracing my project and supporting it through making available the Creative Labs for the test installation. ESW offers fabulous facilities and it has been a joy to work with the team.
The exhibition has also been supported by Creative Scotland and Orsoni Venezia 1888.
Saatchi Galleries, London
28 Feb – 3 Mar 2019
Collect Open is located on the 2nd (top) floor – start at the top and work your way down!