Many thanks to the Crafts Council for featuring me as Maker of the Week in the lead up to Collect Open!
Our Maker of the Week is mosaic maker @joannakessel who has been selected to exhibit at this year’s #CollectOpen, where she’ll be presenting architectural scale, wall based work and sculptural objects. ‘I am interested in mosaic as a contemporary craft rooted in history: the jewel-like qualities of hand-cut mosaic tesserae; the time it takes to create an exquisitely crafted object; the play of light on matt and reflective surfaces and the dialogue between the ordinary and the precious. Creating a mosaic is an immersive process; there is a rhythm to the cutting and laying of the tesserae which I find absorbing, almost meditative, particularly when creating large scale work.’
See Joanna’s work at Collect 2019!
Find beautiful work by Joanna and 100s of talented makers on the Crafts Council Directory
Many thanks to the Craftscouncil for featuring me as MotW. It has been an intense yet really rewarding journey from application, through selection to designing and making the work. I imagined how the new work would look but it was only when we carried out the test installation early February that I saw the architectural pieces in their entirety, and the sculptural objects out of the chaos of a working studio. I’m delighted with the development of the work.